42 Watt AIRPURELite MED Base Bulb 27K

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The AIRPURELite Bulb purifies the air by vaporizing dust, airborne bacteria, mold, fungi and smoke! Color Temperature: 2700K

  • SKU # : AP-4227
  • List Price : $49.95
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42 Watt AIRPURELite MED Base Bulb 2700K 

Watts: 42
Color Temperature: 2700K
Hours: 6,000
Base: Medium Base
Bulb Type: Germ Free
M.O.L. (Length): 6.5
It purifies air for 1/3 of the cost of traditional air purification systems.
Never any filters to clean or replace.
It is environmentally friendly and is OZONE-Free.
This bulb is easy to use and fits in any standard socket.
How does the AIRPURELite Bulb work?
It has a coating of Titanium Dioxide (Ti02) this coating helps in the effective elimination of airborne bacteria, mold, viruses, fungi, pet odors and smoke. A photo catalytic action is achieved when the titanium dioxide is combined with a properly balanced light source. This action reduces harmful microorganisms that are circulating through the air.
Eliminates the growth of airborne pathogens, smoke and odors.
It is an energy saving 42 watt fluorescent with light equals to 200 watts standard incandescent bulbs.
Eliminate pet odors, cigar and smoke odors, and general household orders while making the air you breathe safer
This bulb emits very little heat and does not have to be left on to be effective.

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